Dance A/T

Dance A/T

By participating in dance, students develop a range of life skills that will enhance their careers and personal growth. The Dance course allows students to express their feelings and ideas through movement, while developing technical skills in a variety of styles, and gaining theoretical knowledge of related topics.

By working in groups and performing, students experience the pleasure of dancing, gain confidence, improve fitness and develop problem solving and communication skills. They will also develop analytical and research skills through evaluating performances and studying people and events that have influenced the development of dance.

Course Patterns

Dance units are available though two courses - Dance and Specialised Dance which allows the possibility of a Major‐Minor or Double Major.


Creativity in Dance
Students develop the ability to create dance works with intention, originality, and impact on audiences.
Communicating Meaning in Dance
Students learn about how meaning is communicated in a variety of dance forms and styles. They explore technical dance skills, stage craft and production elements for communicating their ideas to an audience and reflect on their suc-cess
Dance in Context
Students learn about how dance practi-tioners over time and place have embod-ied their knowledge. They explore the impact of dancers and choreographers from history and throughout the world and how they have expressed their un-derstanding of self, place, and themes
Collaboration in Dance
Students learn about how to collaborate effectively to create and perform works that develop ideas and engage with the school and/or wider community.
Independent Study
Independent study units are negotiated with the teacher upon completion of at least 3 units of the Dance course.

Units— Specialised Dance

Innovation in Dance
Students explore innovations in tech-nique, choreography, digital platforms, technology, and criticism. They examine barriers to innovation, how innovation occurs, and how innovation changes per-ceptions of dance.
Leadership in Dance
Students draw on pedagogical, choreo-graphic, artistic direction, stage produc-tion, communication, and facilitation skills to lead a variety of dance activities.
Entrepreneurship in Dance
Students learn about the connections between dance and business. They exam-ine the business aspects of dance and the opportunities and risks in projecting their practice into the commercial arena. They explore the tension between the creative and commercial.
Interdisciplinary Inquiry in Dance
Students learn about how dance works can be used to understand and embody concepts from other disciplines. They explore styles and techniques to interpret and represent information creatively.
Independent Study
An Independent study unit must be pro-posed by an individual student, be for their own independent study, and negoti-ated with their teacher. The program of learning for an Independent study unit must meet the unit goals and content descriptions as they appear in the course. Students must have studied at least three standard 1.0 units from this course.

Registered Units
Dance students have public opportunities to showcase their work at external events such as Dancefest and internally at Arts night and at assemblies and the open night.