
Sociology A/T

Sociology is the study of how individuals and groups think, feel, and behave. Stu-dents will develop an understanding of themselves and others by exploring the roles and interactions between individuals and society.Students will also develop their knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and perspectives to ex-plain behaviour. They analyse the nature and purpose of Sociology and develop insights into types of behaviour across a range of contexts in society.This course enables students to under-stand how individuals function within different contexts. Such knowledge has the potential to empower and enhance individual abilities and facilitate aware-ness of the human condition, along with tolerance and respect for others.


Unit 1: Identity

In Unit 1, students study the ways people define themselves and their relationships with others. The electives provide students with opportunities to study the myriad ways that society classifies and categorises people at an individual and small group level, and how individuals can be constrained and empowered through their identification with such labels.

Examples of electives:

Unit 2: Sociology of Social Justice

This unit explores social issues that lend themselves to activism and debate: is-sues of equality, justice and fairness on a social scale. The electives provide students with opportunities to explore all sides of these issues, to develop the skills and acquire the information to make informed decisions about issues that affect them.

Examples of electives:

Unit 3: Cultural Icons

This unit explores all levels of culture: the ideas, institutions and practices that de-fine the ways we communicate and inter-act with each other. The electives in this unit provide students with opportunities to study the ways that ideas shape social life.

Examples of electives:

Unit 4: Power & Institutions

This unit explores the superstructure of society: the social institutions and systems that determine the structure of society on a macro level, and in turn influence life on a micro level. The electives in this unit provide students with opportunities to study the ‘big picture’ of society, and explore the ways in which their lives are shaped by forces outside of their control.

Examples of electives: