Gifted and Talented students

Gifted & Talented Education at UC SSC Lake Ginninderra

The ACT Education Directorate is committed to ensuring that the needs of gifted and talented students are catered for in all ACT public schools to support them to reach their educational potential.

The Directorate uses Gagné’s definitions for ‘giftedness’ and ‘talent’:

GIFTEDNESS designates the possession and use of    outstanding natural ability in at least one domain (intellectual, creative, socioaffective, sensorimotor), to a degree that places an individual in the top 10% of age peers.

TALENT designates the outstanding performance or competency in at least one field of human activity (academics, arts, business, leisure, social action, sport, technology) to a degree that places an individual in the top 10% of age peers in that field (Gagné, 2009).

At UC SSC Lake Ginninderra College, we provide educational programs and services for gifted and talented students that include:

As part of our assessment processes, we use evidence from multiple sources to identify potentially gifted and talented students. These include:

Our Gifted and Talented Liaison Officer (GaTLO), Rachel Regan is our point of contact between our school, the Directorate and parents regarding the needs of gifted and talented students. Please contact Rachel  at should you wish to discuss the learning needs of your child.

Please visit the ACT Education Directorate’s website for further information about gifted and talented education in ACT public schools, including factsheets and a copy of the Policy and Procedures.

In addition, the ACT Gifted Families Support Group is a not-for-profit association that promotes the needs and challenges of raising and educating gifted children.

Reference:  Gagné, F., 2009. Françoys Gagné - Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent (DMGT).