
Anytime Anywhere Learning

The college provides flexible delivery of classwork when a teacher is absent.

For some classes, when a teacher is absent, notification will be given to students through Google Classroom, and work will be assigned to students as the lesson for that day.

The Library will be available for students to work in and to access computers. Clarification about the assigned work can be had from the executive teacher for that subject area or from the classroom teacher on their return.

Students should check the account linked to their Google classroom regularly, or set up email forwarding so that notifications can be easily received. Email/contact details should be kept up to date with the school.

If your family has opted out of Google Classroom, then the absent teacher will email the student the work for completion. Teachers will inform student services, and attendance will show “I” (sanctioned program) for that lesson.

The assigned work is a replacement for a class; failure to complete the work will result in an unexplained absence for that lesson.

This page is designed for administrative information for parents.

Student Absences

Staff at UC Senior Secondary College use SENTRAL to maintain and manage student class attendance.

SENTRAL provides  notification of student attendance for parents, students and teachers, ensuring that all members of our community are aware of student absence from class.

Parents/carers may notify the college of a student absence using one of these methods:

  1. Written absence explanation using the Notification of Absence form or other note.
  2. Responding to the SMS absence notification
  3. Explanation of absence via email –

When explaining an absence in writing, please provide all of the following information:

UC SSC Lake Ginninderra Attendance Policy

The Office of the Board of Senior Secondary Studies (BSSS) requires attendance at 90% of classes before a unit can be awarded. For our college, this means that a student cannot miss more than three lessons in a term unit or more than six in a semester unit. Students who total unexplained absences of 10% of lessons in a unit are given a Void (V) Grade for that unit – no points, score or grade for that unit towards a Senior Secondary Certificate.

If a student misses a lesson or lessons the college requires satisfactory absence notification by SMS, email or an Absence Notification Form providing a satisfactory explanation. The college defines ‘satisfactory explanation’ as one that is supported by ‘appropriate documentation’.

Examples of appropriate documentation include:

* Medical Certificate or evidence of an appointment with a medical/dental practitioner

* Satisfactory written explanation of legitimate absence signed by parent/guardian (e.g. family crisis or bereavement, representative sport etc.)

The college reserves the right to accept or reject an explanation (even if a signed note is provided).

Examples of unacceptable reasons for absence include:

* Missing class due to work commitments

* Missing class because you have a driving lesson

* Missing class because you missed the bus

* Illness without satisfactory documentation (see above)

* ‘Personal’ reasons where no detail is provided (or these reasons are repeatedly used)

The intention of this policy is to facilitate the early identification and reporting of poor attendance (including lateness). Teachers record student attendance at each lesson. To enable accurate and up to date recording and reporting of attendance the provision of adequate documentation (SMS, email or Notification of Absence Form and accompanying official documentation) to Student Services after an absence should not be delayed. In addition, we encourage families to contact the college by phone or email with information about planned or current absences prior to the provision of documentation.

If an Absence Form (see example ) is submitted but the explanation of absence is assessed as unsatisfactory, parents will be informed.

Weekly attendance reports will be supplied through email. Support Group (SG) teachers and Student Services staff monitor student attendance. In the event of a prolonged or pattern of absence without notification the Support Group teacher will contact parents/carers. In the event that school procedures encouraging attendance are unsuccessful the school is required to refer parents and young people to ACT Education. If in doubt about the application of this policy, please see your Year Coordinator or contact the Deputy Principal on 6142 0222.

Dress and Uniform

UC SSC Lake Ginninderra does not have a formal uniform. However, the appearance and clothes worn by students must be appropriate to the academic purposes of school.

The following guidelines outline expectations of students:

The UC Senior Secondary College Lake Ginninderra (UCSSCLG) dress guideline aims to account for the diverse nature of the school’s population and the economic, personal, social and cultural factors affecting students, staff and their families.

Students are expected to adhere to standards of cleanliness and dress that are compatible with the requirements of a positive and safe learning environment.

UCSSCLG students and staff have a responsibility to dress in a manner that avoids causing offence to others and abides by the safety requirements of particular courses.

Students representing the school at public events may be required to dress appropriately for the occasion.

UCSSCLG is a school promoting student wellbeing through numerous initiatives directed by the Education and Training Directorate such as the ‘SunSmart’ policy.  This encourages students to be sun safe when participating in outdoor activities.

Standards are defined as those generally acceptable to the community and suitable for the school setting.  In certain practical or specialised areas general safety and Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) rules must be applied to clothing and followed at all times, e.g. wearing enclosed footwear and appropriate attire around machinery.

If a student does not meet the expected dress standard they will be asked to change to more appropriate clothing and, if necessary, parents/carers will be contacted.

Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)

interpreter symbol

Translating and Interpreting Service National (TIS) is the recommended interpreter service for ACT public schools.

Note: TIS National does not translate documents for organisations.

When do schools use interpreter services?

Schools use interpreting services to ensure access to information, communication and opportunities provided by schools. Parents/carers may request interpreting assistance to ensure meaningful exchange of information between the school and parents/carers.

When should I use an interpreter service?

Interpreter services can be used:

* during an enrolment interview to ensure that all enrolment questions have been answered fully and accurately

* any time a parent/carer requests an interpreter service

* instead of a child interpreting for a parent/carer when the conversation has anything to do with social or academic wellbeing