Attendance Policy

UC SSC Lake Ginninderra Attendance Policy

The Board of Senior Secondary Studies (BSSS) policies for assessment require attendance at 90% of classes for a unit of study to be awarded. This means that a student cannot miss without explanation more than three lessons in a term unit or more than six in a semester unit.

Students with unexplained absences of 10% of lessons in a unit are given a Void (V) Grade for that unit – no points, score or grade for that unit towards a Senior Secondary Certificate.

If a student misses a lesson or lessons satisfactory absence notification by SMS, email or an Absence Notification Form providing a satisfactory explanation is required. 'Satisfactory explanation’ is one that is supported by ‘appropriate documentation’.

Examples of appropriate documentation include:

* Medical Certificate or evidence of an appointment with a practitioner

* Satisfactory written explanation of absence signed by parent/guardian (e.g. family crisis or bereavement, representative sport etc.)

An explanation (even if a signed note is provided) which is unsatisfactory may not be accepted.

Examples of unsatisfactory reasons for absence include:

* Work commitments

* Driving lessons

* Missing the bus

* Illness without satisfactory documentation (see above)

* ‘Personal’ reasons where no detail is provided (or these reasons are repeatedly used)

The intention of the attendance policy is early identification and reporting of poor attendance (including lateness). Teachers record student attendance at each lesson. To enable accurate and up to date recording and reporting of attendance the provision of adequate documentation (SMS, email or Notification of Absence Form and accompanying official documentation) to Student Services after an absence should not be delayed. In addition, we encourage families to contact the college by phone or email with information about planned or current absences prior to the provision of documentation.

If an Absence Form (see example ) is submitted but the explanation of absence is assessed as unsatisfactory, parents will be informed.

Attendance reports will be supplied fortnightly through email. Support Group (SG) teachers and Student Services staff monitor student attendance. In the event of a prolonged absence or a pattern of absence without notification the Support Group teacher will contact parents/carers.

In the event that school procedures encouraging attendance are unsuccessful the school is required to refer parents and young people to ACT Education.

If you have questions about the application of this policy, please see your Year Coordinator or contact a Deputy Principal on 6142 0222.