Student Leadership Group

The Student Leadership Group (SLG) at UCSSC Lake Ginninderra embodies the core values of 'connect', 'innovate', and 'impact', endeavouring to foster meaningful connections, drive innovation, and create a tangible impact within the school and broader community.

Joining the SLG not only provides students with unique opportunities to connect with their peers and community but also empowers them to innovate and effect positive change. Through a variety of events, including coordinating school activities like Clean up Australia Day, SLG members are actively engaged in initiatives that exemplify the school values.

The SLG serves as a hub for collaboration, enabling students to connect with each other and the wider community through shared goals and initiatives. By embracing innovation, SLG members constantly seek out new and creative approaches to address challenges and drive progress. Whether it's organising novel fundraising strategies or pioneering advocacy campaigns, innovation lies at the heart of the SLG's activities.

Moreover, the SLG is committed to making a tangible impact, both within the school and beyond. Through initiatives such as promoting diversity and inclusion on Harmony Day, supporting initiatives like Share the Dignity, and participating in leadership events like She Leads, SLG members actively contribute to creating a more connected, innovative, and impactful school community.

In line with our core values, the SLG upholds six fundamental principles:

  1. School Representation: Advocating for the student body in both internal and external forums, such as youth summits, conferences, and school board meetings.
  2. School Initiatives: Spearheading initiatives aimed at enhancing the school environment, be it advocating for enhanced communal spaces or championing cultural diversity and inclusivity.
  3. Community Service: Engaging in volunteer work within the school and the broader Canberra community to effect positive societal change, such as participating in initiatives like Clean Up Australia Day.
  4. Peer Support & Advocacy: Extending support to peers from all walks of life, facilitating their integration into the school community and providing advocacy when needed.
  5. Public Speaking: Seizing opportunities to refine public speaking skills, whether it be through hosting assemblies or representing the school in various capacities.
  6. Fundraising: Organising fundraising activities for charitable causes or school-driven initiatives, exemplified by endeavours like Share the Dignity collections and cake stalls for Daffodil Day.

By embodying the values of 'connect', 'innovate', and 'impact', and adhering to the six core principles, the SLG at UCSSC Lake Ginninderra empowers students to become catalysts for positive change, leaving a lasting impression on their school and community.