

Subject Information

‘T’ Classes

‘A’ Classes


Specialist Methods





Preparing for class

In order to be prepared appropriately for lessons, students will be expected to come to each class with the following items:

  1. a personal work bookImage result for Casio FX82AU PLUS II Scientific
  2. a writing utensil - both pen and pencil would be recommended
  3. a ruler
  4. a scientific calculator – we prefer use a Casio FX82AU PLUS II Scientific Calculator.  Mobile phones are not a substitute for a scientific calculator. If students are unable to purchase a calculator they may borrow one from the library.  This will be particularly important when preparing for exams as we will not provide calculators for students.
  5. a personal computer – at Lake G we are a BYOD school and encourage the use of personal computers in class but this must be done so under instruction from the classroom teacher.  A computer will not be able to replace pen and paper, so it will be necessary to have a workbook as well. In the situation that a student requires a computer in class a school Chromebook will be provided for use for all students who do not have their own.

Text Books

BSSS Mathematics courses now align with the Australian Curriculum.  As such we have purchased new text books to support our delivery of this curriculum.  We will use Nelson Senior Maths for the Australian Curriculum text books for all tertiary courses.

Students will have access to these books during class time. Any work that needs to be completed at home will be communicated clearly with the students so they are able to prepare appropriately.

The school is making a digital version of the text available as a voluntary optional purchase. Students can make this purchase at the front office for $20.  They should then take their receipt to Glenn Currie (Maths Executive Teacher) who will allocate the student an access code.  Students will need to create a profile at to access the text.

Both Yr. 11 and Yr. 12 online texts are now available.

Further to this, students are welcome to purchase their own hard copy version of the text book.  They are available through multiple online retailers and are valued at  approx. $84.00.

Google Classroom

Image result for google classroomThe staff from the maths faculty is heavily invested in the use of Google Classroom to support students study.  A Google Classroom has been created for each course which your child should be a member of.  This platform will enable electronic delivery of class content, class information and distribution/submission of assignments.  It will also allow students to follow class work for lessons missed due to absence.

Any student having difficulty accessing Google Classroom should ensure they have returned signed ICT Policy Permission forms.  These are available at Student Services.

Mathematics Competitions

Each year students at Lake Ginninderra College have the opportunity to be part of The Australian Maths Competition and the ANU Maths Day.

Australian Maths Competition

The Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) was introduced in Australia in 1978 as the first Australia-wide mathematics competition for students. It has become the largest single event on the Australian education calendar, allowing students to attempt the same tasks on the same day in over 30 countries around the globe.

The competition is open to all students, although all Methods and Specialist students will be expected to participate.

There is a small cost associated with the competition and it is run at school during class time.  From 2017 all Lake Ginninderra students will complete the competition online.

Information about the event is distributed in classes close to the competition date.

ANU Maths Day teams of five, students from Specialist Maths courses take part in mathematical challenges designed to build teamwork skills and promote a love of maths. The day is divided into four challenges:

1.   a group of story problems

2.   a Swiss 'find the rule' problem

3.   a cross-number puzzle

4.   and the day’s highlight, the relay – a test of brainpower and physical stamina.

ANU Maths Day has been running in the ACT since 1982. The University's competition includes contestants from schools in Canberra, Wollongong, the South Coast, Southern Highlands and Sydney. The day gives the students a chance to meet another 160 like-minded young people who are into mathematics, which is particularly important for people from smaller schools.